Artist Verification Rules
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In order to gain even more trust from our users and early supporters “artists or buyers”, we created a verification system which, once you pass it, you receive the verified badge and an increase to mint 5 NFTs/Day.
Verified badge for those who passed our verification!
Only 1 account per user is allowed as verified! Do NOT try to verify a second account!
The verification process can take up to 7 days!
The verification form can be found at the bottom of this page!
Please note that the daVinci team reserves the right to grant or not the verified badge if there are any suspicions about your profile or artist artwork!
1- Mandatory*: The artist should share a valid email with the daVinci team for contact.
Is needed for letting the artist know if he passed or not the verification process.
2- Mandatory*: The artist should have at least 2* NFTs minted.
Required for comparing the artwork.
3- Mandatory*: The artist must have at least 1 social account “Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or a Website” older than 1 year. ( accounts older than 1year and with some connections to Art/NFTs have more credibility).
Required as reference for his artist life or as a NFTs fan.
4- Mandatory*: The artist must have at least 1 social account “Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or a Website” linked on his daVinci profile.
It is needed as a reference for potential buyers.
5- Mandatory*: The artist should make reference to daVinci at least on 1 of his social accounts “Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or a Website”. If he has not done it already, he should do it before completing the verification form.
An artist requesting verification must support the DaVinci marketplace.
6- Mandatory*: When the artist completes the verification form, he should hold/have at least 25 VINCI tokens in the wallet owned and which is attached to his profile on daVinci.
Supporting DaVinci means you should vote on proposals.